Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Dynah started school recently and she LOVES it! (I guess I bored her.) She was so excited to start playing with new friends and getting to play all day long. I thought she would do fine with the sickness stuff...until now. She has caught a nasty sinus thing. I have tried every medicine and homeopathic trick I can think of and nothing seems to be working. I tried benadryl for the first time yesterday and she went to bed at 5:30pm!! Now, I'm not complaining since that gave me some much needed "mommy time" but I still felt pretty guilty about taking such joy in my child's misery. :)
Any suggestions out there??

Monday, September 15, 2008

Woohoo! Finally, a blog!

I guess I have had enough people on my back to start a blog, so I finally gave in. I don't know how interesting it will be, or how many pictures I will end up posting, but at least it's a start.