Monday, April 6, 2009

Lots to update!

We finally got our computer fixed so hopefully I can start updating again. (The computer may only work for a short period before it dies again...come on tax return!)
Dynah had surgery Wednesday for adenoid removal and to put tubes in again. She got an infection from it, of course, so she's on a round of antibiotics in addition to her eardrops. She handled the surgery well and seems to be doing fine. Now is the test to see if taking her out of school has helped. We do a daily "school" time with a small lesson, craft, storytime, and flashcard test. She is picking up information so quickly and I am excited to see where she will be this time next year. (Of course, it also helps that she can finally hear.)
Clayton isn't doing so well in school so he now gets to come over every day so I can tutor him and get him back on track. He mainly needs help with story comprehension and writing. He has terribly sloppy handwriting but I think it's because he goes too fast.
Dillon is the newest addition to our family. He is our foster son. We know him from the church youth group and as a friend of Jesse, Bryan's little brother. He will be with us for quite a while and we are hoping to provide a loving and stable environment for him to thrive in. I don't think he likes our (mainly MY) strict rules very much, but he's adjusting well. :)
Bryan, Dillon, and Clayton were in an accident Saturday night that completely destroyed Bryan's new truck and sent him and Dillon to the ER. Both were released soon after x-rays and CAT scans with large doses of Vicodin and muscle relaxers. Now we get to play the waiting game with insurance companies. Yay!
I am now looking for a part-time childcare job that will allow me to bring Dynah along. I have found a few things for work here and there, but nothing too permanent yet.
I will do my best to update as new, although not exciting, things happen.

Friday, February 20, 2009

ENT visit

Dynah had her ENT visit today and they suggested removing her adenoids and getting another set of tubes put in her ears.
I am really debating on whether to go through with it now (while she has Medicaid and it's covered) or just wait it out and see if not being at school will help her. The first time she got tubes it was really quick and easy and they worked great! I just don't want to rush into it because of's not MY body!
Any advice from moms who have had to do this would be great.

Monday, February 16, 2009

And, here we go again!

I took Dynah in to get her legs checked out for some pain she was having. It turns out that she has double ear infections and possibly a ruptured ear drum. She also has "froglegs" that are causing her pain when she sits certain ways. She doesn't look bowlegged, but apparently she is. We are taking her next week for an x-ray of her legs and to the ENT to get her ears checked again and see about getting tubes put back in.
Wish us luck and pray for her health!
This is her last month of school so hopefully that will help lessen the amount of junk she catches.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dynah Update

So, it seems that each day we encounter a new illness or reaction. We have decided to take her out of school again and possibly switch to all green cleaning supplies to see if that helps. (If not reduce the amount of illnesses, then maybe the amount of reactions to things.)
I'm going to miss being able to do things by myself while she played at school, and I know she is REALLY going to miss going to school and playing with friends. But, I'm hoping I can work out enough playdates during the week that she will still get that interaction. Anyone up for a playdate?

Monday, January 12, 2009

what's wrong with my kid?

Lately, Dynah's body has been reacting to EVERYTHING. She has had multiple ear infections, one of the tubes in her ear went in too far and punctured near her eardrum, she had strep throat, she is allergic to: nuts, cinnamon, band-aids containing latex, ranch dressing. This poor kid is taking/applying 5 different medicines right now daily.
I don't know what's going on! It seems that as soon as she turned 2 years old everything started falling apart.