Friday, February 20, 2009

ENT visit

Dynah had her ENT visit today and they suggested removing her adenoids and getting another set of tubes put in her ears.
I am really debating on whether to go through with it now (while she has Medicaid and it's covered) or just wait it out and see if not being at school will help her. The first time she got tubes it was really quick and easy and they worked great! I just don't want to rush into it because of's not MY body!
Any advice from moms who have had to do this would be great.


Ash said...

well, many times I think they take tonsils and adenoids at the same time...I had my tonsils out last year and really have not been sick to speak of...SOOOO nice!!!

How are things going? I haven't talked with you in so long it seems...

The Breman Family Blog said...

Gavin got his adenoids out and tubes put in to help with his allergies to soy, corn and dust. He rebounded by the evening, but I was still really scared over it. Hope you can figure out what you should do. Sorry to hear about all her allergies. It is tough to work around all of that.